Speed, Mobility, and Economy
Rubrik combines cluster-consistent MongoDB backup with automation and deduplication to deliver benefits other solutions cannot.
Speed & Simplicity
Cloud Mobility
Storage Economy
The Data-Forward Enterprise: How to Maximize Data Leverage for Better Business Outcomes
Did you know that data-driven organizations achieve 8x the growth over their peers? Download the report to find out how you can achieve greater productivity and faster time to market by modernizing data management.
Rubrik Mosaic Reference Architecture

- Protect MongoDB databases with Mosaic, a software-defined data management control plane. Integrate with MongoDB via well-defined MongoDB APIs and leverage an intelligent SLA policy engine.
- Stream data in parallel to secondary backup storage by using lightweight Application Listeners deployed on each node. No quiescing of the database. Achieve consistency for sharded and unsharded database configurations.
- Restore data in parallel from/to MongoDB, resulting in reduced RPOs and RTOs. Deliver incremental forever backups from any or multiple nodes and in native MongoDB formats. Orchestrate restore operations.
- Achieve hard savings by avoiding media servers, additional MongoDB licensing costs for secondary instances, and operational costs of hand-rolled scripts and native solutions.
- Automate test/dev refresh with collection level granularity and cross-cloud mobility. Any-to-any topology restore delivers data from and to alternate topology MongoDB clusters.
Use Cases
Next-Gen Data Management for MongoDB
whitepaper | White paper,VMware vSphere,Multiple use cases | white paper
VMware vSAN and Rubrik Mosaic for NoSQL Data Management
Data management for databases isn't what it used to be. Rubrik Mosaic is an application-centric data management software that provides backup and recovery for NoSQL databases.
solutionbrief | Solution brief,MongoDB,Multiple use cases | solution brief
NetApp Plus Rubrik Mosaic: Continuous Data Protection for MongoDB
NetApp and Rubrik have partnered to extend the NetApp Data Fabric by providing application-centric data protection for next-generation applications.
whitepaper | White paper
Solving Data Management Challenges for NoSQL Databases
Learn how Rubrik Mosaic delivers application-consistent data protection using its cloud-native data management software.
blogpost | 0 min read
Data Protection for DataStax Enterprise Search Indexes and Databases
Using Rubrik Mosaic™, you can now backup and restore DSE Search indexes and their data at wire speed, saving you days of application downtime.
Customer Spotlight
Why Enterprises Use Rubrik Mosaic