Global Service Integrator
Faster, Efficient and Simplified Cyber Recovery
Rubrik with Kyndryl offers an extensive portfolio that helps in streamlining incident recovery process and reducing operational costs through centralized visibility, control and flexible consumption-based pricing, minimizing the business impact of cyberattacks.
Comprehensive, security-rich and scalable incident recovery
With the combined power of Kyndryl and Rubrik’s comprehensive incident recovery approach, enterprises are enabled with sophisticated, enhanced and scalable capabilities that reinforce resilience in physical and cloud environments.
AI-enabled anomaly detection
Use data analytics software to scan data for quick identification of potential anomalies and corruption
Immutable storage
Prevent changes to data copies to preserve records and maintain integrity
Air-gapped protection
Limit exposure by securing data in an air-gapped vault isolated from production and backup environments
Clean copies
Maintain and update good copy of backups to facilitate efficient recovery and restoration of data
How it works
How enterprises use Rubrik and Kyndryl
Cyber Resilience Management
Mitigate the business impact of a cyberattack by recovering quickly with an orchestrated resilience approach
Backup and Recovery Management
Oversee, secure, and retrieve critical business data on-site, off-site, and in the cloud to meet government and industry regulatory requirements
Disaster Recovery Management
Reliably recover critical IT business processes and data to support business resiliency including health monitoring and continuous replication of applications, infrastructure, data, and cloud systems
Kyndryl and Rubrik announce global strategic alliance to offer cyber incident recovery
Kyndryl partners with Rubrik to launch new cyber resiliency services, enhancing data security and recovery for healthcare and finance industry organizations
Protecting mission-critical data for a global travel retailer against the worst-case scenarios
Kyndryl and Rubrik delivered a cyber resilience solution that helped to protect vital data, minimize financial losses, and defend against future attacks and breaches.
Ready to get started?
Get a personalized demo of the Rubrik Zero Trust Data Security platform.