Assess impact from cyber attacks

Speed is critical when ransomware strikes. Rubrik Anomaly Detection helps you assess the blast radius and identify malicious activity – enabling incident responders to accelerate your recovery time.


Identify Anomalies

Analyze backup data for unusual behavior and changes caused by a ransomware attack.


Assess Blast Radius

Get a clear picture of which files and applications were affected using forensic analysis.


Accelerate Recovery Time

Surgically recover affected systems using our impact analysis.

5 Keys to Mitigating Data Risk

Learn 5 tips to help you protect your data, minimize sensitive data exposure, and recover quickly in the event of ransomware.


Get alerts for suspicious activity

Rubrik early ransomware detection monitors for encryption and analyzes unusual access patterns using advanced ransomware detection techniques. We alert you of potentially malicious activity in your backup data during a ransomware attack.

Strain Identification

Detect ransomware infection type

Minimize infection impact by identifying which strain was used in a ransomware attack.

Impact Assessment

Assess the impact of an attack

Quickly identify and locate which applications and files were impacted by ransomware.


Ransomware Recovery for Dummies

Learn how to build a recovery plan that makes sense and keeps your organization safe.


Explore more of our resources


Anomaly Detection

Explore Rubrik Anomaly Detection and see how machine learning can help spot cyberattacks by monitoring unusual data deletions, modifications, and encryptions.